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Wanting to go to TED....but there are so many better uses for the $$$.
just found out @pownce is disappearing as well. What is this? An epidemic?
Missing #Sandy (@s) already. #RTM is good, but it is just not the same thing.
Using #MrTweet, my personal assistant who helps me discover great followers and influencers in my network!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Just paid less than $2 for gas. Woohoo! It's been a long time. Less than $25 for >12 gal! And in Woodside no less!
Setting up a new computer always sucks. I must admit though that it is better that the new computer is a Jail Broken iPhone3G on 2.2!
Looking over the Dow Jones charts for the last week. Only observation I can make older daughter has a superball too.
in Boston at Firm Retreat....we need to do more of this cross-office small group stuff.
For anyone who cares to count, I just voted for Obama.
Tim Draper didn't need to spend so much time talking about the rip in his pants.
Steve Jurvetson always stands in the back of these breifings.
Tired. Long Week. Long Month. At Quadrus for another breakfast breifing. Interested in seeing what the mood is.
@arielwaldman - advice from a stranger - turn around - the source of the flowers is not important. There are few things better than flowers
OMG. The Wynn golf course is $500 per person! That's more than Pebble! What are they thinking? / smoking?
drinking #panther creek #pinot. surprised how bright it is.
in Sin City for the next 48 hrs. Staying at the Wynn. Place seems empty. Anyone here?
Putting 2yr old down for nap. Whole family to Campbell Octoberfest when she wakes up.


Evan Williams Maggie Mason seanbonner om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Brittany Bohnet Lisa McMillan Justine Mike Rundle Heilemann Colin Devroe iconmaster Derek Kristin Pishdadi Sandy Robert Scoble Jeff Croft Jacqui Cheng Sarah Austin Laura Fisher Bryan Veloso Ethan Kaplan Paul Stamatiou nostrich Erin jmathias tamashii Twitterrific Nils Geylen Lisa Higtower Ariel Waldman Michael Arrington