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More holiday shopping?!?!
At the gym, staying human.
Another Saturday AM, more kids' basketball to watch.
Watching my son @ indoor soccer.
Grading nearly done. Taking a break to hit the gym.
Off to the gym and then home for grading and some editor-type work. Finally one night the kids don't have practice of one kind or another.
new post on some new projects: social media and public pedagogy--
Looking at: "19.20.21." ( )
holiday shopping today
It's been a kids basketball morning
New post on "professional writing's invention curriculum"
grading, editorial work, distracted by being able to watch Netflix on my mac now.
new post on Axl Rose and a "pro-tools theory of composition:"
itunes shuffle manages to tap a classic rock vein, reminds me how much time I used to have to waste
Last week of classes begins
new post, immodestly titled "neuroscience, posthuman pedagogy, and the rhetorical mind"
@mkgold could have been. Always mixing them up. Thanks for catching that.
Any ideas which twitter iPhone app is the best? I think I have 3 or4.
helping my daughter build a model Iroquois longhouse--history as arts and crafts.
Has anyone experienced Google's searchwiki feature? It just showed up in my account.


danah boyd Dave Winer Kevin Lim giovanni Michael Waugaman Alan Levine Bryan Alexander Paul Bradshaw tengrrl Clancy Ratliff Gardner Campbell Mark Hussein Crane Dave Troy Intellagirl Barack Obama Chuck T Laura P Thomas Hillary Clinton Clay Spinuzzi Bill Hart-Davidson Ken Fujiuchi Birdie Newborn Laura Blankenship Britne Rockwell Shelley Rodrigo Will Richardson Dan Langendorf Jenny Bay Steven Johnson dr. b. Dean Terry Jon Udell Bekah Stuart Selber johndan Mike Wesch