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Also, attention everyone: there is -no- line at trader joes.
@ethorson welcome to my personal hell.
Why is #rootscamp in a church?
@sbenglin let me know if it's any good. I feel like any remake wont be as good as the original
@echocambridge you guys have lunch yet?
Does the silver line normally take so long to arrive?
Holy fast plane ride batman
Tiiiiiiiiiny plane!
Er, Dunkin. Damn you autocomplete!
@silbatron save a donut for my wife, she loves Dublin
@perks "I can't move my arms!"
Ok. Only 10 more days to go.
Today is most definitely a coffee day.
Everyone should read Friedman's column in the NYT today:
Apparently it's spring now.


Noah Andrew Crow President Monteiro Mike Carvalho jyo John Niedermeyer nicco mele lisa m nikkiana Tom Lee Emily Thorson Micah Sifry The New York Times Brian Reich perks Kelly DeLay Ted Fickes eethann MacRumorsLive Matt Andrew Rasiej EchoDitto DCist Red Sox Justin Miller Mark A. Hershberger Shayna Englin Michael Silberman Particles pwytter ggarelik Twtr WeeWar Notifier missmeaghan chrischrischris Wolf Ghanbari jhiggins