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hmmmm...what to do with my dog (who barks if anyone comes to the door) while presenting in webcast today? scoobysnacks?
2 meetings at Microsoft this afternoon - been awhile since I've been back there. kinda looking forward to needing a guest badge:)
looking forward to the webcast @cothrel (maybe there should be a hashtag for the webinar?)
looking forward to seeing @filibertoselvas and @jakemckee tonight
booked as a speaker for Feb. Interbrand customer conference in Napa - love that!
wrote myself a check to reimburse for expenses the last few quarters (mostly mileage). still weird to write myself checks.
w00t - inbox back to 50 - that feels good.
christmas tree in place, 6 year old playing christmas songs on the piano...decorating occuring...
"watch instantly" porfolio on new XBOX/Netflix service gets 1 star (out of 5) for me...
@seattlegirl influencer of course....see - right column banner
netflix really is brilliant at collecting metadata from me
@BillP LOL...yes....REAL bowling
nice, 500+ registrants for Wednesday Webcast!
nice time at the bowling party for my 9 year olds birthday...15 kids under 10! yoiks. Fun, but I need a nap!
Sunday morning...making Pancakes for the kids
blog post preview of upcoming webcast Dec 10th on Influencers: Jet Fuel for your community.
shouldn't ManU be sponsored by US Fed Reserve now instead of AIG?


Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Micah Alpern Luciano E. Guerche caleb Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Kingsley Joseph Lisa McMillan Mike Manuel Justine Chris Brogan Steven Hughes Marc Sirkin MJ Brian Solis debs Andy Kaufman Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman Oyvind Solstad  Chris Heuer Joe Little Teresa Valdez Klein Scott Watermasysk Major Nelson (Larry) giovanni Schlomo Rabinowitz Nancy White R Pooran Prasad Jane Quigley Abhishek Baxi Jeremy Pepper Peter Wells Craig Cmehil
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