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Making bacon and chocolate chip cookies for a cookie swap. Hope there's some left for "quality control"
Waiting in the hall for mtg w/FTC transition team
@misschatter Sure hope the guy gets his diabetes under control. Nothing like drunken chanting of "Meat-HOOK!" on warm summer evenings.
The Ultimate Social Media Etiquette Handbook - H/T @tamar.
@samsimon Ha! Was thinking it would be useful to spice up the Savvy Consumer blog with, or to record consumer tips.
Just made my first qik movie. Fun stuff.
@CZ And the rich get richer. Boooooo! Of course, there's still the sweet memories of the $$ they wasted on Pavano
@misschatter More importantly, will the Nats be interested in the Chief if K-Rod goes to NYM? One would hope not (that shoulder is toast).
Just saw the story re: Stupak & Dingell's report on Martin at the FCC. Damning stuff.
The Black Friday Wal-Mart trampling death make me sick. We need rules requiring security to handle crowds like that.
Nicol Tuner-Lee from OneEconomy discussing successes/challenges in wiring Chicago affordable housing for broadband
Good thing no @FreePress people aren't here at #EIPF. CenturyTel Pres says exaflood requires network mngmt, content providers to pay more
First net neutrality question @ #EIPF. Surprised this didn't come up earlier. @MichaelTurk takes veiled swipe at @FreePress scaremongering
Ah hah -- Gold sez Connected Nation model was too 'spensive for VA gov't budget. They chartered their own non-profit instead. #EIPF.
Heather Gold discussing Commonwealth (VA) Broadband Roundtable report at #EIPF. Mapping, etc. -- Sounds like Connected National model?
RT @misschatter: @JammingEcono what if you're a passenger? - Good question, which came up in the discussion @ #eipf Chip in steering wheel?
Nice question from @michaelturk @ #eipf - Why can't cell carriers use GPS tech to turn off texting, etc. when moving >35mph for safety?
Jamie Hastings from T-Mobile extolling the value of the G1. Hadn't heard about the Shop Savvy app. Hope it gets ported to PPC soon.
Listening to wireless industry folks talk about wireless consumer issues - Anyone have any Q's they want asked re: the G1? #eipf
7pm = Teen gaming hour, 1am=adult gaming hour, @MichaelTurk #eipf


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