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@nematome nice! i'm gonna pass that along :)
@swatki i saw this t-shirt and thought of you! "Obama is my Christmas president"
@TheLadyJ i also like to browse for ideas. it's done by fellow tweeps @newmediajim and @tonilyn
@TheLadyJ i'm thinking of making some quilled paper snowflake ornaments for @wyldman's teacher gifts
@KE4ZNR university is forcing us to take leave & i have to take extra leave to cover @wyldman being out of school. but srsly, twist my arm!
@beyondnormal rub it in mister "i want coal for xmas" :)
Happy it's Monday ... the last one I have to work in 2008!
Headed to Xmas party with SPOT friends. Thank the gods for QueenJ & LadyB for sharing their sitter with us!!!
Having a "what's the point?" day. Joy.
Night, tweeps. Time to sleep.
Half way thru Chronicles of Narnia for the umpteenth time. *sleepy smile*
@zaphodd score, dude! I'll dm you my addy ;)
@brendajos exactly!! I just lurrvs you :)
@RobertFischer wow. Didn't know free masons were still around. My gramps was one.
@billwashere ain't life grand? I'm getting by with beer.
@brendajos never been able to sit thru the whole thing. I'm there with ya, babe!
@TheBusyBrain same here. I guess boring is the new exciting :)
@librarygrrrl yum! Do they have red hots as the buttons?
Kids Stay n Play is at max capacity for tonight. Guess we won't make it to @billwashere's Xmas shindig. Damn.


Wayne Sutton Scott Beale George Brett Dan Gregor Smith Jennifer Woodard M Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Jim Long Jeanne Cole Paul Jones Robert Scoble Kevin Gamble Kevin Sonney Justin m o l a r o Jeffrey Wright Bryan Alexander Toni Lyn Gardner Campbell MB Angry Rabbit Zaphodd Dylan John Mazziotti Nicole Carina beebo wallace Adrienne Brawley Bill Hicks NEKE pankaj parihar Mark Bell Intellagirl Barack Obama David Ward
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