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Ok, so coworker posted photo on FB of him and gun and you looking down the barrel of it. WTF? Totally against type.
@joshualogan Thanks! And the cool thing is our class is now all chipping in for a larger gift card for our teacher's holiday gift. Sweet.
@ShogunHatamoto Crap I think so. How can that be? 17 years since Nirvana's Nevermind? WTF? I still love PJ. :)
Has anyone seen a photo on FB that freaked you out about a coworker? (in a bad way)
I heard the baby on the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind album is now 17. 17. Yikes.
Retweeting @webb: great #givelist ideas in NYT - from walk dog to cooking at a local soup kitchen - add your ideas:
Is it just me or does anyone else just break out into song? Esp. with my kids. We live our own musical, soundtrack changing daily.
RT @Sopan RT @humanrightsday: Can you please spread the word about @HumanRightsDay and their petition? Thank you
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Performed Rare Surgery on Hurricane Survivor Pony - amazing
Okay, here are my teacher holiday gift ideas so far - a gift basket full of school supplies for the class to share or a gift card.
RT @PressReleasePR @LaraK If you monitor Twitter for several accounts or keywords. Very cool tool. love this
Working on an email campaign using MailChimp. I am trying it out and like the fact that I can build the HTML email myself.
And now for some trivial Hollywood News: Tom Cruise lost his blackberry while in Toronto. Wow. His ppl must be scurrying.
RT @KellyeCrane @prblog: Annual 'Top 10 PR Blunders' List from Bulldog reporter via @MediaInk -- wait only 10?! ;-)
@GingerCM A gift card to food emporium is a great teacher gift idea. Thanks!
"Customers buy for their reasons, not your reasons. So start cultivating ways to talk with them, not at them." - Orvel Ray Wilson
Retweeting @DougH: pls retweet almost there. your comment @ fills a Food Bank truck. #smb11
Any tweachers out there? I need gift ideas for my girls' kindergarten and daycare teachers...
@joshualogan Thanks! Teacher gifts are always hard. I'm making a list and will blog it later today.
Retweeting @skydiver: Yes, #W2Tweets - we encourage more tech journalists! Http:// - welcome!


Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Wayne Sutton Vinu Andy Abramson Chris Brogan Doug Haslam Jim Long Gregarious Starbucks Coffee Chris Marnie Webb Darren Waters Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper Jeremiah Connie Reece Todd Defren Matt Dickman JOSH Michael Pennie marc lefton Chris Pirillo Phil Gomes Steve Garfield David Finch Grayson Grant Robertson The Mia Mike Schinkel Intellagirl Rafe Needleman Michael Arrington John Jantsch Shel Holtz
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