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FB: Dan is packing for his flight to Orlando, FL, in the morning.
Happiness (for the winter sports fan) is discovering your new house is only 8 minutes away from a (very small) ski area! Bring on the snow!
Fascinating - just learned that for studded snow tires (which we do NOT use) all the metal studs are put in *by hand*!
@chipgriffin So I should plan for a storm on your party day? :-) Thanks for the invite by the way... perhaps next year we can attend.
@sherrilynne :-) Yes, I figured it was appropriately descriptive. (There were also no other blogs with that name that I could find.)
Emerging Tech Talk #9 about XMPP now up - - featuring Peter St. Andre (@stpeter )
I'm delighted to announce that my new "Emerging Tech Talk" video podcast is now available in iTunes:
FB: Dan finds it annoying that Facebook doesn't let me associate with "Keene, NH" and instead I have t..
Some cool ideas about using Yammer for internal podcasting - (read the previous blog entry as well)
@chipgriffin Yeah, it would probably be a very safe bet! :-) (In fact, they are talking about snow on Sunday...)
Shouldn't every Saturday start off at the tire store getting snow tires put on? :-) (already a line at 7:20am!)
FB: Dan is looking forward to helping tell the story around some major Voxeo news next week.
@cocoramone Cool! Thanks for the link love.
@dboucher Thanks for all the suggestions on Eclipse books.
is excited about the future
@colligan Looking forward to hearing about your Keynote -> PPT hack. :-)
There naturually turn out to be a ton of Eclipse books: - Any developers out there found any that are better than others?
What's the best book out there to learn more about the Eclipse dev environment? I'm finding myself using it more in recent months.
Very excited about things going on within Voxeo. Look for some big news coming soon.... ;-)


Evan Williams Blaine Cook Brough Turner Ross om Ken Tara missrogue Hunt PhoneBoy Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Andy Abramson David Parmet Josh Hallett Justine l.m. orchard Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien John Federico Beth Kanter Heidi Miller John Wall Alan Weinkrantz Doug Haslam Jim Long Ted Demopoulos Pat Michael O'CC Philip Campbell Stuart  C.C. Chapman Edd Dumbill  Chris Heuer Ian Wilker matt roberts
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