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@samantham Trying to avoid stupid jokes about hot sauce.
Oh good, my flight's been canceled. That's just FAN-tastic.
@JadeEJF Thanks, I just saw that a few minutes ago. I think Seattlest is going to use one today, too. It's a banner day for me!
Made it to Vancouver. Two things I don't recommend doing today: a) driving and b) flying.
@xina Fingers crossed. Good luck!
For my non-Seattle friends, here's what it looks like here this morning:
Will be flying to Vancouver BC today because of the snow. 40 minute flights feel wrong to me for some reason.
Wow. Thunder, lightning, and snow in Seattle right now.
What a perfect moment for Soul Coughing.
I can die happy now.
I'm told it's snowing outside. Debating whether to look out the window. Decision imminent.
@wnalyd Woken up early this morning by angry/excited Finnish aerospace engineer. Frankly, I'm not sure I wouldn't trade with you.
This sounds like heaven:
So, it's 1 AM and I'm trying to catch up on work email. This isn't sustainable.
@lizspeck Whoa. Just saw a weather report -- you better bundle up today!
@kirida I pronounce it "et-see" so if it's "eat-see" I'll join you in the idiot corner.
@Schenkenberg Very much agreed. I think "smartening up" like they have is a big mistake.


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