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@news2 There's actually a really great kids area now that's a ton o' fun. Lots of interactive things - It's a beautiful day at The Charleston often ignored local gem. #chs
@Keithj I've been buying Make a la carte for the last few issues - needless to say, I have some obscure tools on my Xmas list now
@AllisonVanDiest Does this mean you're slightly more pain-free?
@michaelsola Naw, I'm iPhone. I have the Google app though
@PeterGulka I don't even know what to say about that -brrrrrrrr. I moved where the climate suits my clothes
Nice NYTimes article about building a better business model for the car industry, with a great perspective on the bailout.
Can you hear my typing over the rain pelting my office window? Sideways rain in December...coolio!
I'm watching it snow in New Orleans via a live feed from Odd.
@digitalslacker I'm just amazed at the rate they are releasing new tools and services for free. Didn't they get the memo about the economy?
GOOG just enabled SMS messaging from Gmail chat They are releasing new stuff every day - talk about a balloon mind state!
Listening to The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Wow, just wow! This album is 10 years old already, & still sounds amazing. Too bad she flaked.
Interesting panorama demo from Adobe Max 2008 in Milan: Infinite Images
I need more caffeine this 2-year-old keeps partying like it's 1999, and at 3 a.m. I'm ready to party more like it's 1899.
NTEN Office Hours is ON! Let's chat about online communication and related goodies:
@xarker Great point about trust mechanisms. The personal networks built through blogs/Twitter/Facebook may have more value than the content
Stopped to gawk at a pond surrounded by egrets, blue heron, and various ducks feeding on a warm winter bounty. #nwf
Interesting RRW post about how Corporate blogs are the least trusted sources of online you agree?
@sssemester It looks good. Certainly a lot more beard that I could grow!


Evan Williams Xeni Jardin om arvind s grover Jason Calacanis Ruby Sinreich Corey Pudhorodsky Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Veronica Belmont Jim Long Paul Hyland heather gardner-madr Karen O'Brien Robert Scoble Nancy White Chris Marnie Webb Guillermo Esteves Jonathon D. Colman Don Park Kevin Rose Don D. Lewis Fake Henry Rollins Judi Sohn Steve Rubel hotdogsladies David Armano Chris Pirillo Shawn Dawson Mignon Fogarty Cali Lewis Twitter Six Apart Stephen Francoeur
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