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@pmb777 cool to hear you liked it and it worked well
SJC -> ATL . No, not for fun. 0 out of 2 ain't bad
Ugh, I have to get up @ 4AM for a 6AM flight. WTF am I still doing here? GTFO!
OMG down to only 36 bugs! Of course, I just distributed about 50.
headed to downtown PA for a bit
Looks like I'll be flying to ATL on Friday. Not for a wedding.
Ooh, our water is back on. Maybe I'll go home and take a shower. Woohoo flushing toilets, good to be back to circa 26 century BC.
Booyaa! SEC Champs, Championship bound.
Maybe an hour before the UF game was not the most opportune time to reboot to install a software update. Go TiVo go! and Go Gators!
Everythin in Hayes Valley is packed, headed to forage in the Mission
@wooster I might end up @ Psymbolic5 or In The Red later
Headed to SF w/ Ed, Gabe & Kyle, Suppenküchen then
Warming by the fireplace in the kitchen. Hmm, fire good. Then driving to SAC once traffic dies down.
middle of 3 day surf trip. Not as epic as hoped, but still hella fun
"If the native americans nee indians gave the pilgrims a donkey instead of turkey, we'd all be getting a piece of ass for thanksgiving."
headed to Netflix offices
didn't go surfing today, but did buy racks for my car and fixed the most annoying mis-feature: I can now use my nav system while driving!
@teesa's bday party! Happy BDay!
@teesa the g1 swallows @crazy_vag you swallow ;)


rajbot Sarah Austin Alex Rosenberg John Siracusa David Weekly Scott Draves Reese Schreiber Vinay Andrew Wooster Sam Bushell Peter Amandeep Jawa Sean Sosik-Hamor Mike Halsall Wilfredo Sánchez sugam jain Theresa Sobczak mangtronix Dan Vogel Elfqueen Ammon Skidmore Todd Kulick Sam Etler Peter Bierman carolyn bierman Keith Stattenfield Hj Kang burners Drew Thaler Adam Gulkis Greg Goddard ky13 Martin dakami msfeldstein