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working out chords to Bellowhead's "Courting Too Slow"
@johnklima Careful with that comparison. You don't want to be John Henry at the end of the song
Big honking ping-pong-ball-sized snowflakes drifting down on Manhattan.
Retweeting @yarnivore: A modest shoe-throwing proposal:
@xenijardin "Joel the Plumber" is my everyman hero. Complete with kitteh action add-ons.
@xenijardin In what alternate universe was "Joe the Plumber" an "instant everyman hero"? As opposed to a pathetic attempt at that status?
What to do with your old shoes:
The Rude Pundit, getting it done.
The shoe meme goes global.
@janehamsher And what are you doing in that handbasket?
@MitchWagner Those aren't rainbow-colored hamsters, those are publicity interns.
Actually beginning to feel "productive". It must be the drugs.
FWIW, Tor intact.
@thc1972 "Beer is the mind-killer, the little-death. I will face my beer. I will permit it to pass over me and through me..."
@gregvaneekhout The copyeditor's mark "TM" stands for "timor mortis conturbat me," a common problem facing copyeditors and authors alike.
@casacorona Waiting for the _farrier_! It's like you live in a medieval fantasy novel.
@pablod We used to drive past that exit all the time.
@matociquala "I less than three my new gym" I'm certain there's a term of formal rhetoric that describes that, but what is it?
Another emergent YouTube subculture: search on "isolated bass".


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