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@tjw @incanus77 I can beat that! At Omni: .commanddict Mar 4 1992
@cbarrett I wrote most OF/iPhone controllers before UITableViewController existed. It really is a pretty trivial amount of stuff it does.
@tamineedham I'm sorry. Hope everything turns out okay! *hugs*
@cbarrett UITableViewController is really shallow subclass. Just sets delegate/datasource to itself, sets table isEditing when it edits, etc
@pilky Ox, where x= the app or framework name. OA, OB, OCI, OD, OF, OFM, OG, OI, OMO, OO, OP, OSU, OS, OW, OX, OZ. Probably more I've missed
@beneluxboy @cheesepuppet Speaking of which, Close Encounters is the 99 cent movie rental of the week on iTunes. I should see it again...
@lwdupont See the "by product" stats. The figure is low because OO used to be included with all new macs in 10.4 time, so tons of old users.
@fetjuel You lack imagination, my friend.
@cheesepuppet If you've got enough boobs, you don't _need_ manners.
@fetjuel "reuse clean bath water?" huuuuh? explain, please!
@simX @jessegrosjean @cbowns Our numbers are tilted by huge # of people still using OmniOutliner on 10.4 when it was included with new Macs.
@jsnell Strangely, I am currently writing exactly this feature. But not for writers, for project planners. So it won't help you. Sorry :)
@wisequark yeah, the shift-selection to add additional magnets is some hard to find magic there, but very useful.
@wisequark any edge or vertex: select shapes, magnet inspector, pick "on each vertex", hold down shift, pick "1 magnet per side". done!
@dmoren You could give professional advise to others looking into mongering. Become a mongermonger.
@josephdee if you want to Help > Send Feedback..., include "gibberish"-ized plan, and email to I'd be happy to look.
@josephdee Effort may not match duration if assignments aren't 100% units or efficiency isn't 100% or resource sched <> project sched.
@josephdee OmniPlan dependencies poor in what way? Maybe I can help.
@emarley productivity in purging, yay! I salute you.


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