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time to get $28 in fradulent charges removed from citi card: 3 months
@pfaja i didn't -- it wasn't actually mine, just an imitator
trying to figure out how a shirt i own wound up in a box headed to honduras
brushing up on alt. database options.. the answer (as always) is prolog
today i am a guy that managed to successfully repair a dishwasher
trying to decide if is useful or if i can continue to just keep snippets in a text file
giving in & switching all my personal repositories to git
repo count ~2 months ago: bzr: 6, git: 2, hg: 1 git: 11, bzr: 3, hg: 0. why? git-svn, local branches, and understanding the index
DVCS coming to google code "in progress", could play a big role in choosing a "winner"
#tipofday alias py='ipython -nobanner -noconfirm_exit'
google friend connect and facebook connect launched on same day, i wonder which one rushed to match the other
enjoying some bagels thanks to @bitb and some found money
the new CNN ad banner will force me to break my obsessive-compulsive checking of
trying out gwibber ( thanks to @bitb
New experimental Sunlight API methods announced, fuzzy name search + searchable lobbyist disclosures.
heading to nc to see whats left of my brother
Ate all my oranges while waiting for the bus UM UM UM
been listening to music A-Z for a few days.. was extremely excited to get to C
flash x86_64 is so broken it made me uninstall flash altogether. crashing my browser on new-tab is unacceptable. (ff works just fine w/o)


Clay Johnson GregElin Rich Gibson Simon Willison Jeremy Carbaugh John Resig Barack Obama Jeremy Dunck Tom Steinberg Shimon Rura Luigi Montanez Chuq Adrian Holovaty James Tauber Sunlightlabs API Jonathan Coulton Andrew Rasiej Aaron Swartz Gabriela John Wonderlich Joshua Ruihley Alan Rosenblatt Charles Delavan nwatzman Mickxxx joshua gay sunlightnetwork Marty Alchin JohnCleese Andrew MacRae Lessig Malcolm Tredinnick github dizzymslizzy EllnMllr