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Harriet has a new favorite toy: a squeaky ball. But instead of her usual desire for tug-o-war, she just walks around with it and squeaks.
Heading to the Thirsty Bear.
All dressed up on Caltrain and heading for a holiday party in SF.
Panorama stitch failed. Photoshop ran out of memory and crashed. I need more power.
Attempting to stitch together a ~700MP panorama on my Mac Pro.
My iPod has been working on its sarcasm.
I am experiencing spectacular failures of technology today.
Just sliced my way through 20 lbs. of squid. Put most in freezer but I'm gonna stir fry some tonight.
Heading back to shore. We caught 43 jumbo squid. Calamari anyone?
Preparing for tomorrow's Humboldt squid hunt. It will be like this:
3 updates in 2 days and now maps are busted on my Android G1. I am lost.
@pamelaribon Whew, thanks! I owe you one. You'd think I could afford valet service in dreamland.
Eating alone in a conference room. Just me and some SHITTY VC DEVICE to keep me company.
Looks like I have two great panelists now for SXSW. Now I need someone who can argue *against* citizen scientists. Any suggestions?
Two years at Google. It goes by so fast. Also, thanks to my friends for their kind words.
American Musical Theatre of San Jose closed shop today and my wife is out of a job. Happy Thanksgiving!
A couple hours of Force Unleashed for Wii can wear a guy out. Light sabers are fun.
Just finished watching Vanishing Point on the Netflix stream. Classic.
My former employer, Hoover's, as released a great business intelligence API. Nice work Hoover's!
I think we need a special holiday to celebrate people who give good presentations, for they are surely rare.


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