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futurepractice2 is the twitter tag of Indi’s webinar on mental models that just finished. Check it out and..
#futurepractice2 Was very cool. But where are the drinks afterwards?
#futurepractice2 Liv chats about the "interpretive dance to acompany the Mental Models presentation"
#futurepractice2 Indi says about sharing mental models with execs: print them BIG and tape them on the wall.
@cwodtke Yes, breastfeeding on LiveJournal. That's the one I remember too.
#futurepractice2 Interesting chat about culture and mental models :)
#futurepractice2 The best part of the presentation seems about how to use mental models to rally teams and executives behind a common vision
#futurepractice2 So mental models force you to be detailed in your user understanding, whereas personas make it easier to be lazy :)
#futurepractice2 but I'm surprised at that extra value: it's great to be able to chat with collegeas you don't see normally about a topic
#futurepractice2 the seminar chat is fun, but the chat software is kludgy..
The live seminar format is interesting. Seems like a few companies are on there with multiple people. #futurepractice2
@livlab: just use the audio of the computer, it's much better..
@netlash: wat is de juiste volgorde?
#futurepractice2 Listening to Indi's live Mental Model seminar (Rosenfeld media)
Amelia now blows her food (to cool it down). And yesterday I found her trying to open the lock of a closetspace ..
The law in Belgium speaks of the race category as “so called race“, in order to clarify that there i..
So it turns out you *can* actually track members versus non-members with Google analytics.
Is there a way to use Google analytics to distinguish between logged-in users and not logged-in users?
Frozen *homemade* burritos, that is.
Today, I discovered the wonderful usability of frozen burritos.


peterme Gene Scott Beale Victor Lombardi Chris Brogan Chuck Olsen Zadi Diaz Bre Pettis irina slutsky Schlomo Rabinowitz Liz Danzico Josh Leo Rashmi Sinha Jorge Arango Mike Hudack Annie Tsai jjg Livia Labate pepa garcía Steve Garfield KentBye Lucas Gonze Michael Meiser Raymond Bart kenyatta cheese Jan / The Faux Press Charles Hope Jared M. Spool Christopher Fahey Wally Mallbody jonny goldstein Peter Morville David Weinberger Andrew Baron