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The meter reader who found Caylee's skull while taking a whiz in the woods definitely earned the cover of "This Week in Public Urination".
Famous #5s, by sexiness and/or hit songs: Jackson, Chanel, Dave Clark, Mambo, Grandmaster Flash & the Furious, MI, Senate Candidate, Keating
Damn, I forgot to shift my hands on my steering wheel after we set our clocks back. I've been driving at 9 and 1 for weeks now.
I had the best abs workout yesterday, I'm still sore. Downside: the workout was vomiting. Upside: toast, banana and water are now delicious.
I'm always interested in the measure of a man when I first meet him, although it's a little awkward if you start out with the inseam.
A special and sincere request from a phone call with Peacegirl: "Will you take me where the monkeys are?"
I feel bad for people who are lactose intolerant yet have to live in the Milky Way. Ah, who'm I kidding, it's fun watching them suffer.
Thanks, everyone! Yeah, I cut myself open earlier to count the rings to make sure I've added a new one. Aging kinda sucks. Love to all.
You know you've bought a knock-off nativity scene when the birth of Christ includes Mary, Joseph, wise men, and a Salvation Army bellringer.
I predict when historians evaluate Tone Loc's oeuvre, they will note that "Funky Cold Medina" had greater cultural impact than "Wild Thing".
OK, who else was awake at 4:45am standing by their computer waiting for to open?
Magazine year-end issues go to print 12/1. So if you're a celebrity and want to be included in an obituary wrap-up, please die this weekend.
also, i have given gps lady a name, and it is Mapollonia. i am the Anointer.
you know it's a long, lonely drive when you take a detour just to hear the gps lady recalculate your route.
Some days I'm Michael, taking care of all family business. Today I was Fredo. Tonight I'm drinking.
AT&T's charging $1.25/mo. to NOT publish my # in the phone book. I'm going to see what Simon & Shuster will pay me not to publish my novel.
They say too many cooks can spoil the broth, but I still prefer multiple brothmakers working together in case one thinks about peeing in it.
@hoosiergirl, I don't think I'd want to eat a cake with ass sprinkles, good OR bad.
Maybe it's my new shampoo or conditioner, or maybe what my stylist has been doing lately, but damn, I'm having a really good pubic hair day.
When talking to your girl on the phone while looking at your Scrabble tiles online, clarify yourself when you say "I could use another U."


Evan Williams Nick Douglas Kyle Bunch timoni Simon Crowley Nathan Harrison Jim Ray Tony Delgrosso Jeff Barszcz Jesse Baer Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen Ben ckwinny nostrich Amy Jane Gruber hotdogsladies Jon Deal Sarah Wedde Rafael Torres Alan Calvert J. Adam Moore Tim Siedell Kristin Lynch Ben Compton thom b Wil Wheaton Aaron Muszalski Brett Peters Mr. BabyMan Karl Gunnarsson Avery Edison Neil Mullen brittney gilbert Erik Price Marya
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