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Rethinking my Florida blog aggregator. May have to shutter Server load an issue. gregarius dev stalled indef... Meh.
Soon I must rewrite my blog's geotagging plugin to provide support for data from and
Network bridge to nowhere... Series of tubes will extend into the void - NASA tests 'deep space Internet':
@MacDavid Close... Psalm 121 Thanks for making me look it up. I needed the Word today.
@BarackObama Sadly, I watched the last scheduled night launch of the Space Shuttle. Don't end the Shuttle program before we can replace it.
Ozzie the space nerd has all the info you might ever need about shuttle launches:
Cole Bros. Circus was a real blast. Titusville, FL 11/13/08 - photo at
@ryochiji AKA @t_rank Thanks for building Sorry so many people spread FUD about the site and slandered you wrongly.
@sarunasr I don't think Twitterrank is a scam. @ryochiji AKA @t_rank seems like a real person: Paranoia is good, tho.
@JackBastide I really think this is a link you should follow:
@JackBastide If you call me rabid again, I'll bite you and give you the gleep.
@bordy The right of people peaceably to assemble or petition their government for redress is not served by fencing them in, miles away.
@bordy How were these reporters silenced? Did someone duct tape their mouths shut, put them in a cell and let them rot without due process?
@bordy Alberto Gonzales, who said it was lawful to torture our enemies, and called the Geneva conventions "quaint".
@bordy the end of posse comitatus, "free-speech zones", and so many other betrayals of the ideas of our founders. Long live our Constitution
@bordy I'm not a big fan of Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, torture, extraordinary rendition, the suspension of habeas corpus, warrantless wiretapping...
@bordy I understand bitterness, having been part of the loyal opposition for two Bush terms.
I love this nation because the spirit of '76 is alive to this day. America is perpetual revolution: Then by musket, now by ballot.
@JackBastide Moe - "Say, Jasper, what comes after seventy-five?" / Larry - "Seventy-six" / Moe - "That's the spirit."


Tim Kersey Carlos Granier Gilberto Creque Josh Hallett Alex de Carvalho Danny Ayers Brian Breslin Lakeland Local Ryan Price Rakesh Agrawal ChristianCalzadillas Kane Hussein Gruber Eric Longstaff Chris Scott Sarah Perez David Knighton Tracey Mark Delfs Mike Hussein Cohen Tara Lamberson Greg Turner Andy Carvin Miguel Lopez Radioactive Jam sarah j. gim Ryo Chijiiwa Barack Obama Jeremy Pihl Frank Gruber Bryan Price Thomas Gaume Joey deVilla Matthew Williams Etan Horowitz
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