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@kfury doesn't look like flu season is in full swing yet I do think you should probably get a flu shot if ...
I guess I need to do something more decisive about this insomnia.
Can I blame the fact that the phrase "differential diagnosis" is in the mainstream solely on "House" or has it always been there?
Stone Temple Pilots "Big Empty" is in my head. Sometimes my brain is better than an iPod. I hope this isn't a sign of mental illness.
Ended up getting distracted by the fact that Google Chrome isn't available for Mac OS X. It maybe not be until Snow Leopard is out.
I wonder if Apple is planning on rewriting WebKit to make it easier to create a multi-process browser.
@mashable Is the Mac version ever coming out? I can't even build Chromium SVN yet.
Yet another day goes by. What happened to all of those hours?
are there really people who think obama and blagojevich are in cahoots or something so that cnn had to clarify? Idiots.
@projct looks like you need to sudo kill -9
Yay. I figured out how to enter accents in Aquamacs. I love how nothing is ever simple.
Wow. McCain really ruined "Barbara Ann" for me. All I can hear is "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran."
smog test center has a sign: "we certify gross polluters." Rather brazen, no?
The last few months have solidified my opinion that laissez-faire capitalism works about as well as utopian anarchy.
Rod Blagojevich. What a corrupt motherfucker. And incredibly stupid, too. What a dumbshit.
@jonathancoulton My Eyeball Just Fell Out of Its Socket. What should I do?
I mean, seriously, we're going to reverse this downward spiral with nothing but happy thoughts?
Anyone who thinks we're not going to pay the piper through our anal orifices is obviously trying to sell you something.
I really don't understand the need to bullshit people into thinking it's all gonna be candy and roses.
Did he just try to say "divilicious" in a serious tone of voice?


Jack Dorsey noah crystal Evan Williams sara Krissy Bush Alissa Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Chris Jones danah boyd seanbonner Xeni Jardin Kevin Fox caroline Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Levi McCallum Bob Hillary Hartley Jerry Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Aubrey Sabala Dan Patterson Jonathan Wight robby valles Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Giles Turnbull Mirona Iliescu Joanne Wan Jennifer
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