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Just back from seeing "Milk"...reaction not one I think I can put into a Twitter stream. Sean Penn is superb, but the movie breaks yr heart
Taking a mid-day run around Town Lake
I think I'm going to live on the edge tonight and catch up with Charlie Rose episodes.
@edbrill, I use Mail on the Mac and T-Bird and/or Outlook on WinTel...much prefer mail clients over is still too slow.
Just finished a great call with Andrew Rasiej from TechPresident.Com re: the looming intersection of technology and democracy (hopefully)!
Wondering what the networks think about NFL HD on Demand...4 games at once...$19.99 for the season...
My interpretation of the latest Google Zeitgeist (Google's top search words of 2008)
Here I am Twittering while I'm attending a discussion about Twittering. I Twit therefore I am.
Running one call after another this AM. No time for blogging, tweeting, or generally practicing what I preach!
@epc Especially when they're having to file for bankruptcy!
Preparing to do a call with colleagues in Japan. It's been a long Monday.
Back from a run around Town Lake and checking in on Alabama/Florida...may finally eat at Olivia's this evening para mi amigos G&L.
@twitterati, I was going to ask the same question as @epc. What's that boy still doing with furniture in 55 Broad!???!
In my old cube at Tivoli Building 101 in Austin for the afternoon...the cow is still in the window on the 4th floor, just for the record.
Some helpful and long overdue international Facebook stats from O'Reilly:
Just back from more physical therapy for the torn rotator cuff. No pain, no gain.
Getting ready for the first call of this cold but sunny Tuesday in Austin.
Turbo on Facebook's new Connect capability with a tiny URL (sorry about that):
Turbo on Facebook's new Connect capability:
Monday after Thanksgiving is a very harsh reality...but I'm dealing and decided to get to it early and often.


Evan Williams Misha Tepper ed costello Lisa Kamm fest mob Patrick Mueller Don Turnbull Andy Piper Roo Reynolds Dave Troy Luis Suarez Barack Obama Matt Anchin John Tolva Uldis Bojars David Leip kapil gupta John Wiseman Richard Sheffield Michael Monello Paul Beaulieu Eric Andrews Joe Latone Jennifer Kilian george faulkner Ginny Ed Brill Julio Fernandez denise burton David Singer shel israel Keith Instone Rob Wunderlich Barb Mathers TimothyBlair