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... and some CICS and CPSM guys also.
Rt @meraltemel: Can db2 Guys work with zos healthchecker Guys to put specific exceptions related to db2 and even CICS ? (Some DB2 guys here)
@latone We have 3 cats. They haven't spotted the tree yet. When they do they'll eat tinsel for breakfast, lunch and dinner. :-) :-(
@jenokimoto "week-in-reviews" not heard of it but it sounds like a great idea. I might do that next year.
@rodet Sounds like you're enjoying New York. Hope you remember enough of your side trip to Poughkeepsie to brief me on your return. :-)
@jenokimoto Assuming your egosurf :-) was related to preparing your PBC I might follow suit: Finding it hard to recall most of the year :-)
@meraltemel I'd say yes but the effect may be very minor: As these LPARs won't load anything other than a Wait State PSW. Unlike #zOS idling
@jenokimoto And how global is THAT? :-) Teases from both the UK and Canada. :-)
@jenokimoto Why? It IS Sunday after all. :-)
@kellypuffs Then your fridge won't be able to dispense milk to put in it. :-) :-(
On the @SegoRoyal article I particularly like the phrase "info ou intox" . :-)
@BillSTL What? TO them? :-) Some kind of punishment? :-)
@hardillb Colour me pedantic but you should only be thinking body - unless you want to put that missing comma in. :-)
Well the tree's up - and stably so. Not decorated. That happens when I can be bothered to retrieve the decorations from the loft. :-)
Rt @SegoRoyal: Ségolène Royal, c'est moi
@andysc That's the first thumbs down I've heard for SSE re direct debit. We also have SSE power and it's been other co's that got dinged.
@philwill WE might get there as well - treewise - today.
@meraltemel Imogen is her name. She's 10.5 years old.


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