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@iLincBuzz thanks christine, I still come across iLinc (mostly within edu, gov and training groups - still a crowded market
musings on the state of web conferencing
Cute video, a warning for guys shopping this season
Retweeting @valdiskrebs: Bill Gates asks the perfect question on auto bailout:
locally - greater demand (and real need) to contribute to food pantries, clothes (e.g., Goodwill), etc.
listening to MSNBC - economic news remains depressin
@kreid451 nice post, agree with you that you don't "have to" "be social" internally before you explore social media externally
@lcooney The perfect gift idea then a RoundTable in your holiday stocking ;>
Step 1: Take the Turkey out of the fridge so it can get to room temperature .... check .... now I can relax :) my job is done until clean-up
extended warranty via the college pgm ... but bad timing
Dealiing with failing hard drive on daughter's computer, 2 yrs old (Dell) so under warranty, drive seek time is just locking up the machine
Reality Check 2.0, a follow--up to @ITSinsider post on social software and E2.0
Summary of Phase 2 (Social Networking In The Enterprise) and outline of next steps
Tough loss for UConn FB but at least the basketball team got by Miami
@jeffmann unless of course you were the lamb
@jurton Gorgeous day here too - sunny, with the wind, feels like 24 :) great weather for raking leaves (not)
To-do list: dump run, leaves, shed (store stuff for the winter), & drain pool cover... tonight, dinner out with friends
Time to catch up on the news as well - bailouts, cabinet posts, missed a lot this week
now - relaxing watching the uconn women b-ball team beat up on san diego state (52-25 right now)
more important - no more travel nov-jan after a killer pace the last few months - time to focus and write


Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thomas Vander Wal Susan Scrupski Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Tantek Çelik Anil Dash urban_mermaid Kevin Marks Silona Dennis Howlett microformats IdoNotes Luis Suarez Barack Obama Ariel Waldman Suzanne Minassian Charlene Li Lauren Cooney Thomas Otter Eugene Lee Marjolein Hoekstra micala mike walsh Howard Rheingold LLiu (Telligent) Clay Shirky Karen Hobert Patti Anklam Sam Lawrence RegH Kathleen Reidy