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@Prokofy Pbtbtbtbtbtbt!! :P =)
@Prokofy Hey! SLCC had good wireless this year! :) Or at least I think so, it was nothing like Chicago.
Reading: On a Quest for English - World of Warcraft for ESL education?
@GraceMcDunnough Hooray! That's good news. Thanks! :)
Anyone know if you can show SL live through Adobe Acrobat Connect?
SL tech geeks only - SLGA: Capabilities explained (technical):
Great post about the future of virtual worlds and future adoption
Louisiana Invitational Conference: Virtual Worlds in Higher Education - Dec 12, 2008 @ 8AM SLT
Just finished the Sloodle community meeting, learned a ton of things I didn't know before. Good stuff! - integrating ......
@bethwellman Thanks for the follow, your physics classes sound great! Wish I'd had you for a physics teacher in HS. :)
Just finished working on my aunt's computer, got her signed up for gmail, g-reader, flickr, and twitter! Let's see if any of it sticks. :)
I thought there was a replica of the NYC Apple store somewhere in SL - but I can't find it!
Finishing up the PPT slides for the presentation tomorrow about Trademarks and IP in virtual worlds.
Gem and Tara stopped by the Chilbo Road Press too! And Emru briefly! It's a party!
Talking with Rachel in the Chilbo Road Press
Sending a test tweet to Alleara from the web.
Still messing with the Twitterbox.. Rachel is helping me now. heh.
test tweet pls ignore.
@Prokofy Nice quote in the NYTimes! Glad they got DB Bailey in there in addition to Scope and Keystone and others, too.


Paul Terry Walhus arvind s grover Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Russ Thornton Chaitanya Sagar Arnold Rich Aldon Hynes Steve Dembo Chris Brogan Chris Wilson Bill Palmer Jim Long cyprien Paul Jones  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Sam Harrelson Edmund Edgar Bryan Villarin gsiemens Kate Trgovac catepol giovanni Chris Lott Frank Lanzkie leisa Scott McMillin Loui Zoot Beth Raney Ben Casnocha dotBen neville
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