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Train should get into NYC soon, catching up w/friend over divine cookies at Bouchon then continuing on to Princeton, there next couple days
Super cute tiny glass turtle to be added to my collection soon, yay.:)
@ginatrapani I've been rewatching West Wing from Season I and it's been great fun; can't wait to get to the last season with the elections:)
as usual, Yochai helps out with some great question and comments, input will now help in wrapping up this draft, finally
going to miss Harvard Law School cafeteria food next year, it’s convenient, it’s good and it’s reasonably priced.
finally all settled and work time without any interruptions, feeling very inspired, making progress on book
ZOMG there are some unbelievably geeky robots.txt jokes out there HT: talk by
Weather is beautiful, went on a great walk this morning. Now time to hang some art on the wall.
@MrTwitter welcome to Chicagoland fellow N95 fan:)
ZOMG I'm such a geek, just installed Mobile Web Server on my Nokia N95
Finally managed to disconnect landline and DSL service. I despise AT&T and hope never to have to do deal with them ever again.
great homemade quiche and scones at Becky's this morning; now watching NU & Illinois crowds on their way to the football game
Very nice memorial service for former NU Provost Larry Dumas today. Lots of tears, no wonder, he was such a wonderful and kind person.
on my way to the Loop for some meetings wondering how many ppl on Metra get away not paying like person sitting next to me
Off to participate on panel in downtown Chicago sponsored by the Harris School about the Digital Divide
will call AT&T back later tonight to cancel everything.. now will proceed to do what I had planned for this afternoon
73 mins on the phone w/4 depts at AT&T only to be required to agree to something no one in their right mind would do
Already on hold with AT&T for 20+ mins, how I hate this company, perhaps time to abandon my land line so I don't have to deal w/them again
This week's US airports: the calm before the storm. Low traffic now, crazy Thanksgiving traffic next week.
Unpacking and packing at the same time, off to Chicago for a panel on the digital divide tomorrow (sponsored by the Harris School)


danah boyd Derek Gathright Lilly Daniel X. O'Neil Bradley Horowitz Liz Henry niftyc jbj Kevin Marks Fred Stutzman Paul Stamatiou Anthony Felix Ling Sarita Yardi Liz Lawley lokman Kieran Healy Adam Lasnik john bracken Irka netwoman Kevin Werbach kati lovasz Gina Trapani Andrei Zmievski Kristina B Connie Jonathan Zittrain Ethan Zuckerman Craig Wacker BJ Fogg judith meskill barb dybwad David Weinberger Nancy Baym Eugene Lee
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