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friendly reminder: "god made dirt.... and dirt bust yo ass." that is all.
im still striving to be the coolest motherfunker on the planet...
ill be honest... im most excited for the watchman movie, for the fact i get to tolerate Dr Manhattan's WANG for 3 hours. thats a big plus.
i cant believe i ate the whole thing...
....where is my damn mind?
a VERY duty christmas. - Photo:
a VERY duty christmas. - Photo:
@farwyde. ...and all were safe. THE END.
i want karl lagerfeld collars for the flap on the front of my underwear. ...there, i said it. fucking sue me.
dear frozen broccoli... KISS MY ASS.
ok, whoever is in charge of beringing me delicious food. ...go ahead, im ready now.
sorry for so much radio silence... apparently the judge doesnt like me to twoot in the jury box fo a murder trial. what a square.
who has 2 thumbs, bad hair, and was just picked to sit on a jury for a murder trial? you decide...
i need a haircut. ...and a whore. ...ONE THAT CAN SING!
worst part of jury duty: no open bar.
...always be drinking.
jury duty on your face. -


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman veen Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Matt Galligan danah boyd seanbonner wil wheaton Xeni Jardin stephysan Manton Reece Joe Lazarus Justin Williams Michael Ferguson om Nick Douglas Robert Occhialini Scott Beale President Monteiro Aubrey Sabala Jonathan Wight Jason Calacanis Sarah Hatter Glenda Dan Cederholm Robert S Andersen i heart quotes Dan Benjamin eric L Alex Hillman l.m. orchard
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