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overcame lack of motivation towards all in order to see friends' band play. "What kind of?" I asked and they said "LOUD." Correct!
That was a pretty great rack. A focus rack, what did you think I was talking about?
made a save today. What do you call that - a defensive block against an own goal?
On way to hot tub. Today, not all were exactly their size but...most people have to deal with inflated heads in their workplace anyway.
Took photo of lively Russian painter who had styled himself as a 60s wanderer who had styled *himself* as Emiliano Zapata. Mustache great!
At the new place. It's really pretty with nothing in it. Ronny had speakers in the dining room. Was PS3 room?
Heard that one of our trees is unstable and we should cut it down. Not that it's ominous or anything. Since destination ashes/dust. Um
what is revealed by "how silly this is" is necessarily "how silly it all is". Does it matter?
being dusted with ashes of faraway/so close prefab dreams of others.
out of coffee. toddler excitement is unabated. uh oh.
the romantic scene included a fan to blow wisps of hair. then much effort was expended on making sure no hairs were, improperly, stray.
Woke up this morning and feets still sorry sore. Got the migrant worker brokehearted get started falling arches blues. And it's only Tuesday
So happy. S is sleeping and P came over with a movie and a conversation that was actually interesting. That's all there is.
Did I look at 5 places? Or 6? Three were good. Baby Move plan G (yes, went to plan G) means in-laws come soon to my temp place. Tidying.
Laying my 25' tape measure out to dry. At least it's clean.
It's not what you think. It's the thing you haven't thought of. But you'll know it by its shape, which fits the negative space left in brain
has created a pint-sized dictator who stomps barefoot on ants. Resolute in the sunshine. Brush off your uniforms and shine your boots
On SW flight awash with Raider Tribe. Not competent using their own digital cameras, but happy nonetheless.
Sukiyaki Western Django had a truly badass grandma
Up. But is getting up to do it again in just a few hours. And that shade of green doesn't do the wearies' skin favors, either, nohow.


fabienne Xeni Jardin peterme benchun Barack Obama erin marie Hillary Clinton betty ray Ed Spunky Andie Grace Adam Weisbart Davee Evans jessicahope rachel oscarchoy anton PapaTony paulcarnevale Squid Sunburn Sarah chebitts willowbeetle Soraya Darabi benyalom nathanielmiller cannes hodgman MarsPhoenix jonmoter jorge l bartos billbeemer yetra