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i miss the twitter fail whale:
all i want for christmas is a pet elephant (via @sarahlane): that's genetically engineered to never grow big
when friends twitter their layoff from yahoo, is it grammatically correct to include the exclamation point? ex: "i got laid off from yahoo!"
@toddsampson haha. i'm checking it out now. took a while to figure out where to get the firefox ext (no link on the site?). love the concept
getting laid off sucks, i imagine, but getting laid off from the titanic isn't all bad. unrelated: i hope yahoo offers good severance pay
@bpm140 i clicked that zentact link and signed up b/4 realizing it was for your friend. if it's a single-use invite, i just stole it. sorry!
i'm kinda bored with the world wide web right now. i hope someone posts some cool shit tonight. have a nice evening, internet. signing off..
every time some random person friends me on facebook, i wonder if they think of us as friends or if they just added their full address book
I could use a haircut. Ironically, I could also use some more hair.
pretty psyched about all the new trees the city is planting on my block as part of the 'greening guerrero' project
music fans, check out (featuring the new yahoo! media player). browse mp3's by tags ex:
today marks the 75th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition. let's get drunk, america.
@JonathanDeamer agreed. i'd pay for songbird as a plugin and i'd use it every day. as a stand alone music browser, i hardly ever touch it
@JonathanDeamer i like the web features like how they create a playlist for any page. that's why i want it as a FF plugin, not itunes plugin
songbird is awesome, but there's a fundamental flaw with it. it's a great music browser, but a sub par web browser. it s/b a firefox plugin
making a list, checking it twice
just had a horrible meal at the phoenix. should have learned my lesson not to eat there.
i'm so disappointed in myself every time i notice a typo or misspelling of mine on the internet
@LizDunn i love tumblr, but mostly for posting short little bits like a video, a song, or a photo (not long form). the community is awesome


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan Philip Kaplan Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Brian Oberkirch Liz Dunn Jeff Bonforte Stewart Butterfield Caterina Megan McCarthy Andrew Parker Reid Hoffman Emily Chang Bradley Horowitz mark pincus Andy Baio ian c rogers pascoe Kevin Rose hotdogsladies David Beach Tara Daryn Nakhuda Barack Obama Sarah Lane Gabe Rivera Jeff Clavier Mike Doeff April Buchert