Wendy Piersall’s Favorites

Damon C
dacort Operation extricate self from flannel sheets: fail.
bixychick1 Trick or treating was a hit! My McCain/Palin neighbors had their porch lights out, must not believe in candy welfare. spread the chocolate.
Mad LOLScientist
madlolscientist Obama hits another one outta the park with his Rachel Maddow interview. ZOMGZ he's made of TEH AWSUM.
bprice175 Santa endorses Obama but says he will visit all 7 McCain homes on Christmas to leave some clean coal.
CheebaJones Joe the Plumber,Ed the Dairyman,Joe Six-Pack,Pitbull Hockey Mom,Oscar the Grouch...It seems like McCain/Palin are campaigning on Sesame St.
dereksemmler @eMom Who knew? =) Next time I should write about Boobs + Apple + Digg = Server Explodes.
ShannonRenee @eMom U would think baking w/ Bisquick would make everything easier, yet, I've had some JACKED UP Bisquick recipes...baking ain't 4 every1
Trish Forant | eMOM
MailOurMilitary some days I just want to tweet eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM, eMOM!
Margaret Roach
margaretroach @everydayfooddeb, @eMom: SO happy you two met. Followed eMom from Brian G; have known Deb...4ever. Oh, the possibilities in both of you. :)
Scott Stratten
unmarketing Why do people post a one/two line message on my facebook wall, then a 12-line signature. Stop it. Its "social", not douchebag, networking
Rebecca Leaman
rjleaman @eMom shush, woman! Don't undermine te underground PR campaign to make white eyebrows the next big sex symbol for prime femininity ;)
craigsutton @eMom hardest thing to do is stay positive in the face of adversity, but ive seen you speak.. so I know you have that ability! :)
Brett Tabke
btabke @oilman. Yes, just hire someone to twitter for you. Have them focus on convos with your competition so that they never get any work done.
Jessica Smith
JessicaKnows @emom i can't keep away from leaving the window open so i can keep reading tomorrow. consider me inspired.
Darren Rowse
problogger @CowAngel emom's new name is
RaquelFavela @eMom I'm a twittering mom...
kori22 @eMom - I'm interested in being in the Moms who Tweet List - I'm @kori22


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