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Yanks sign Sabathia *and* Burnett?! Christmas came early for this Yankees fan! Woo-hoo!!
What are the options for books on the iPhone? Check out this Wired how-to wiki article: Sorry fellow Kindle owners
Just read Lessig's rant about bailouts: It's painful but I agree with him. Awful Ford "quality" drove me to buying Hondas.
Wrestling with Typepad... It's running painfully slow (again) tonight. Why oh why did I start my blog there?!
Another must-read column by Thomas Friedman: Can't Obama find a place for him in his new administration?
Catching up on my unread RSS feeds. Boy, I've really neglected this aspect of my e-life over the past several weeks
The Bengals truly are as bad as advertised. Hoping the Steelers-Cowboys game at 4 is more competitive. Go Steelers!
Just read a story about a family friend and WWII vet, Fran Culotta: He and his wife Ellen are remarkably special people.
Watching Tim Tebow win another Heisman. How can you not love this guy? He's a terrific athlete as well as a remarkable person.
Doing some trim work on my new flooring. Discovering that wood putty is a mitre box rookie's best friend.
Just read another great article by ESPN's Bill Simmons: He's my 2nd favorite sportswriter...Steve Rushin is #1. I miss him.
Got a painful reminder that dead tree content doesn't have to be plugged in. Forgot to charge my Kindle so I'm stuck reading paper tonight.
Just did my best to prop up the economy: spent way too much on 3 (overpriced) Twilight-related items at the local Borders...for my daughter.
As a die-hard Steelers fan, I'd like to thank the Patriots for being so generous with turnovers in this holiday season. (Sorry Cambridge...)
Just read Wired's cover story about Ray Ozzie: Obviously a brilliant guy but can he fix what ails MS? I'm skeptical.
Ran into another iPhone flaw: the GPS service is a weak SWAG at best. It led me on a wild goose chase earlier today. Very disappointing.
Great quote from Tribes:"'Established in 1906' used to be an asset, now it's a liability." Sums up challenges faced by old companies/brands.
Listened to first hour of Audible version of Seth Godin's "Tribes" on a drive today. Played thru my Kindle and an FM xmitter in my car.
Just read David Pogue's scathing, and I mean *scathing*, review of the Blackberry Storm: Glad I opted for iPhone!
How did Amazon manage to run out of Kindle inventory for the second holiday season in a row? Oprah's great, but didn't they plan on a run?