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At the Santa Cruz Roller Palladium with the boys watching James (3) demonstrate how he wants to do it 'by self'.
At Peoples's Coffee, running into friends, and feeling like I'm in my pre-work life again. Wishing it was for longer than 2 days.
Took the job but didn't think ahead to the possibility of having to listen to Raffi Sings Christmas 8 hrs. a day. 'Burning' a remedy CD now.
My week of a pleasant work enviornment has come to a screeching halt. F@%K!
1 (small-ish) house, 5 kids, 3 adults, two puppies...must be getting close to turkey day.
Watching James(3) wave happily goodbye to me, realizing how they need me a little less everyday. My heart is proud and hurting all at once.
Hair and clothing smell like campfire. Not camping, just making smores with my guys in the backyard. Don't tell Mother Nature it's November.
Rub-a-dub-dub three boys in a tub...need a rain poncho and ear plugs.
Finding no excuses to not get work done with interweb connection still down. Kind of amazing what can be accomplished w/o the distraction.
Pushing the kids on the swings and enjoying this crazy beautiful Santa Cruz day.
The boys are testing out a product from work. It's nice having the 'target group' at home. They work for M&M's too.
Demonstrated why we buy everything at Costco by exchanging our 2 1/2 yr. old broken faucet water filter. Return policy worth membership fee.
Got the "sick kid at school" call and had to pick Luke(6) up early. Waiting for @tshellen to get home so I can get back to work.
Feeling like my eyeballs are going to be thrust from their sockets due to extreme sinus pressure.
Almost uncontrollable urge to eat all bags of Halloween candy in the house. Fearing stress may eat away what's left of my waistline.
Prop. 8 officially passed and I had to get my tooth drilled. Not a great day. Tomorrow will be better...I HOPE.
How is it that California is able to help elect a black president but doesn't see the discrimination in denying gay couples to get married?!
I love Michelle Obama but not so much loving her wardrobe choice for this evening.
My elation is being slightly overshadowed by preliminary reports that Prop. 8 is passing.
It's a done deal folks!!!!!


Jason Shellen rae brune Maggie Mason Grant Shellen bryan mason Ryan Freitas Ryan Carver Dooce Taylor Shellen Paul Peissner EileenBurns Heather Shellen allie Farewell Typewriter TinaFey Pableaux Johnson