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is cleaning out the pantry and going deep into the jazzy end of the pod. Simple red sauce. Joe Williams live with Zoot Sims on tenor. Damn.
is neck-deep in LVLL research. Kinda ironic, actually
Is getting ice cream, even if hehas to drive in the snow to get it.
just realized the anchor sample on Prince's "Billy Jack Bitch" is Fishbone's Angelo Moore from the coda of "Lyin' Ass Bitch." Next level
has one hour's worth of laser focus in him on this fine Friday.
@megnut you wouldn't happen to be coming through Kentucky, wouldja?
@jayallen dee deeeeeeeee deee dee di.
@hotdogsladies wait. you're LENO now? Check your dosage. Stat.
baked a banana breat that was damned near bread pudding. Not a bad cross-pollination for a Thursday night.
@hchamp best balcony ever. And with snowfall? Wow.
@benbrown how did you figure out my mantra?
@Mike_FTW can we get a smackdown between kawasaki and capnsmakers? IN THE FUCKING OCTAGONNNNNNN!!!!
booked his truck for next week and damned near onto the next phase. Gonna pack things in boxes, i guess.
@shortyawards I nominate @zeldman for a Shorty Award in #humor.
@schampeo and we will rule the itunes universe.
@hchamp are you thinking of running for governor of Illinois? To replace that fucking fuck Blagoynovich?
just got a bottle of intuition to go along with his bucket of gravity. Tearing up a little bit
didn't get the caffeine soon enough. Day mostly shot by headache behind the ol' eyeballs.


Evan Williams veen rae brune Maggie Mason peterme dakota smith janice fraser Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason lane Derek Powazek Dinah Sanders Ben Brown jcn Meg Hourihan molly Jay Allen Jeffrey Zeldman Ryan Carver jish Joshua Green Allen hotdogsladies Matt Haughey Lance Arthur Jeff Robbins bryan boyer Courtney Skott Jennifer Robbins Doug Bowman Jim Bishop Jason Kottke Arlo Robbins NY Times:Dining&Wine Steven Champeon Douglas Pearce