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Why does everything smell like fennel today? Blech!
Speaking of cookies @jjpoppe. Have you had the dark chocolate covered peppermint JoJo's from Trader Joes? Holy heaven in my mouth, batman.
Dear God, please don't let me be allergic to the Christmas Tree in my living room....sniff sniff....sniff sniff. Not. Looking. Good.
I just discovered all the vintage jewelery on All faux pearls and bakelite bracelets must be mine.
Just told @gshellen that at this stage of beard growth he looks like David Cook. And now he is not speaking to me.
Correction- I found @gshellen's ring. Who else think Heather deserves WHATEVER SHE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS?!?!
Wanna know what makes a Thankgiving shopping trip even better? A cart with a faulty wheel. Yay!!!!
@gillebean871, how 'bout this: "Yes Mr. Caterer, the bill. How about my drawing of an antelope instead?"
Pretty sure I was just hit on at Whole Foods. Got a free tub of Crisco out of it. Oh yeah, I still got it. Holla!
FYI: free turkeys running around on Mission Blvd. Get 'um while the gettin's good!
Ooooo! One of the drunk ransoms is now on her knees, head banging & eating a slice of pizza.
Grant's show was awesome. Especially the 3 dancing girls: 2 drunk randoms & my sister.
@gilliebean817, you always finds the best stuff. Awesome.
If heaven had a taste it would taste like sauted chantarelles. Just saying.
Still no stomach flu for Heather and holding..
Trying to convince myself that the stomach flu @gshellen is home with is "just something he ate." Wishful thinking? Dear God, help me.
My work inbox is down to nothing. Think I might just sit here a smile at it for a few minutes.
Nothing like a little ANTM to lessen the blow of the Prop 8 decision. Oh Tyra, teach me how to smile with you eyes..
America, I am very proud of you. California, I am very sad at you.
What an amazing day! Si se puede!!!


Biz Stone Livia Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Grant Shellen Sarah Hatter Graham kimbalina Joshua Green Allen Cork'd hotdogsladies Jennifer Robbins Scott Simpson Stephen Colbert Adam Lisagor Dooce Taylor Shellen voleyqueen 71Miles joshacagan madmann bowen152 jjpoppe audieroldan fmur charbelsemaan withrockstars Donald Bell gilliebean817 allie hodgman Farewell Typewriter TinaFey Jenny Blake plinky