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ok fantasy football fans: jonathan stewart vs. denver or sammy morris vs, oakland?
thank heavens tebow didn't win the heisman. archie griffin forever
belatedly watching the bruins game on tivo
Greasemonkey script to more accurately reflect market conditions in 16x16 icons on Google Finance:
So preoccupied I forgot to pick up Dhaba!
if you have a wordpress blog, you should really run from an svn checkout of a stable tag. upgrades take seconds and are totally painless.
wishing twitter and/or whoisi had a real time feed like or twitter's election dingus.
@natfriedman wait.. is he using *comic sans* in his slides? automatic disqualification from cabinet post, i don't care how many nobel prizes
need new shoes... these seem to let water in up through the sole
@natfriedman Hiring progs. for dedicated QA is key, but even more so is instilling in progs. the urgent requirement to do their own testing
@kkubasik dude you're living in the past... secret service is under homeland security now, not treasury.
eagerly awaiting the solstice. these 4pm sunsets are bullshit.
crazy use for an old theatre:
woooooo snow!
celebratin' repeal day
"and now i have to wait for my crotch to dry before i can leave" -- me, just now
also, not crazy about overloading curly braces for sets.
wonder why dict comprehensions, set literals and set comprehensions weren't added to python 2.6... seem like that could have been staged in.
writing a class for a test case named SnapshotInsanityEngine
@robcee oh, that list is of all time...I guess we have a bit to wait for just 2008 then... i seem to recall they usually do it new years eve


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