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Thanks to the 30,000 Bosnian Muslims in my neighborhood, I knew what a Bosniak was before last night.
Enjoying two huge losses last night - one in Chicago, the other in St. Louis.
@kopper My uncles had Wacky Packages stickers all over their bedrooms when I was a kid. Awesome stuff.
Even though it's irrational, I'm listening to music on my iPhone instead of my computer, 'cuz the iPhone DJ's got a hot shuffle going.
I never thought that much of Joe Biden before, but I like him more and more. Now, if he could just get his hair trimmed in the back
@billstreeter Not only is Lo-Fi up for me, it looks great. Really like the gridlike presentation of the videos.
@laurabean They probably did human sacrifices on those ruins! Nothing nerdy about that!
For the second day in a row, I'm being distracted by the sound of squirrels gnawing walnuts in the tree outside my office window.
The first Ted Leo/Pharmacists album sounded better to me when it was the only one. Listening now, it's kinda monotonous in comparison.
Power got fired, heads should roll for this, too.
Just saw an Obama commercial that used Comic Sans. If Samantha
Got an iPhone. No hassle, except figuring out which of the blue-polos at the Apple Store were too busy to help me and which were too "busy".
What I expected when I moved to Holly Hills: more WASPs. What I found: more wasps. My wife and daughter have racked up two stings apiece.
and that's enough politics for a Friday
welcome to life in the minority, GOP #dontgo
Just got the first bottles of the next Woot Cellars wine...coming this fall to a juvenile e-commerce site near you
I have definitively determined that there's not a single copy of Roseanne, Season 6 on DVD for sale anywhere in St. Louis.
Moved yesterday. And got the 30-inch pizza from Mr. X. I had to meet the guy at the back door - it was too big to bring out front.
Wanted: moving boxes that pack themselves.


dereko Bill Streeter John Edwards hotdogsladies David Buttrick Dave Bug Jeff Kopp jason potter Andrew J. Chinnici Barbara GaragePunk Kristen Francis Steven Hussein Smith Shawn Miller thomas ezekiel willi Mark Early Nathan Keay zombiesquad jonvarner pyrimyd laurabean