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#mumbai has brought the USA, UK, Australia and the world closer with India than ever before. The pain and challenges we face are the same.
#mumbai We are writing an article on strategic options for India for fighting terrorism. Let me know what are your thoughts on this?
Yahoo to Lay-off Almost 2000 People in One day! ( )
@ChrisKauza That is a big lacuna of twitter. It also dampens using twitter as an ad media for twitterers at this time.
@mad_alchemist Let's hope the best news out of this recession will be that spammers are also closing shops :)
Would love to have your comments on my new Twitter theme, made using GIMP.
20 Attractive Free Fonts for you This Christmas ( )
How to Hack Windows 7 and Disable/ Remove \'feedback button\' ( )
@ShamaHyder You can appraise by estimating the business it will generate in a time period of sya 2-5 years, depending on your resources ......
Google\'s Business Plan to Reign Over the Internet - A Slideshow ( )
HP to Consolidate its Service with the Integration of EDS to Deliver More Integrated Solution ( )
300 Million Apps Downloaded from Apple Store. How Many do You Have? ( )
300 Million Apps Downloaded from Apple Store. How Many for your iPhone? ( )
RT @ladyquebeaum: "Gawker laid off their lone female employee."
Tinkered with my twitter theme.
@mad_alchemist I guess that would definitely contribute more in shutting down spam than the economy in general.
HP to Consolidate its Service with the Integration of EDS to Deliver More Integrated Solution ( )
Desire to complete a task = Expectation of success * Value of completion / (Immediacy of the task * Personal sensitivity to delay)
Interesting study about procrastination - Thanks to @guykawasaki for the link
Chronic procrastinators are more impulsive and erratic than other people and less conscientious about attention to detail and obligations.


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