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Holy crap the Wordpress 2.7 Dashboard is EXTREMELY different. Will take some getting use to
Updating to Wordpress 2.7 then sleeping.
Watching Hancock with my fiance as the snow falls outside. I'm on Christmas break, yo.
@kleinmaetschke Weird, my roomate's ride was coming from Georgetown and they had to turn around because of all the ice and snow
@ColinJReed That's hilarious. Saw Brian perform it on Family Guy last night.
@kleinmaetschke You really aren't getting any? It's crazy over here. Rains for 3 days straight, then sleets, and now pouring snow all night.
@MadTheologian What's your Threadless referral URL? Maybe I could get you some STP's
It's snowing like crazy. Pray it's not dangerous and/or melts before some of my friends come down from Asbury tomorrow.
@jewel_era A horrible 3 car pile up on the highway. Stupid woman driving in the wrong direction
@linnetwoods No, it was that price at all stations since Sunday. Not a mistake
Gas prices just now shot up from 1.57 to 1.75 before my very eyes. All Grayson, KY stations just did this!
Stupid math exam took 3.5 hours. Im on break now and the weather is awful im freezing to death.
Stupid math exam took 3.5 hours. Im on break now and the weather is awful
Time to move Fredrick and take my last exam.
I wrote a letter to a former teacher for first time this week. Stamped, addressed it etc. Then yesterday he was killed. I was sending today.


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