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Okay, heading out for the day. Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes! Have a great Thanksgiving!
@mikerhoads If the co-pilot is H.E. Pennypacker or Kel Varnson...I'd be deeply concerned.
Welcome to all my new Twitter pals. Wish we could have met on a day when my feed was less chock full of horror and war. And birthday wishes.
@cielle1: This article mentions a wedding inside the hotel
Our liveblog is one of the best places to follow Mumbai News, Twitter aside. I've been watching it all day.
This group "Indian Mujahideen" threatened to attack Mumbai back in September: Same group? Splintered off?
@divyamistry Our round-up of all the hostage situations going on right now.
@divyamistry Good idea. Creating a page on [[Mumbai Hostages]] now...Will keep you posted...
@divyamistry Thanks. We're all watching here. Horrifying...
We're staying on top of the attacks in Mumbai here: Thanks to everyone suggesting links!
What? You'll have to speak up, sonny, I turned 30 years old today. Also, get off my lawn.
@JeffHoard either of those would work...also, a dictionary. I count 2 misspellings and a repeated word in that last tweet.
Traffic and my hatred of it totally ruined tonight's plan. Sometimes, LA kind if totally blows. @jdbranded is a heartier soul than I.
@mikerhoads For the Xbox? You got it.
@JasonCalacanis Not yet...but it would definitely be something I'd like to see.
Hey, do you live in LA and have a small kitten? Man Man needs your help: http://www.pitchforkmedia.c...
@JasonCalacanis It's old, but the classics never die. Ohhhh!
@graywolf Yeah, I agree with you. Fixing up the wording now.
@myfirsttweet Thanks. Already promoting Mahalo...I learned quick!


Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Brad Barrish Chris Greenough Tim Derek Gathright Jason Ruby Luciano E. Guerche Brian Brown Hiten Shah Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Joost Schuur Megan McCarthy Emile Bourquin Veronica William Tildesley Tantek Çelik Raanan Avidor  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein Andrew Ruess Robert Scoble Tom Guarriello melody Ryan Carson Doug Clinton Jeffrey Slough Anil Dash Phil Ferris Ron K Jeffries Eric Friedman Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper Ray Booysen Scott Schroeder
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