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@aaron_foley because TTC timetables are a fantastic work of fiction
@mdd044 the longer the pre-request ad is, the less I read of it
Whoa... the intro text on HARO is getting loooong - length of my screen. No queries shown without scrolling.
Great time at our office Christmas party last night... but who the hell organizes a party on a Wednesday?
Hat tip to @prkeener on that last link!
Holiday Christmas party guide, Canada-style...
@besthealthmag That IS a cute picture! Cute & happy squirrel, not the scrawny ugly ones we have here in Canada...
@tomcummings uh.... you mean it was intentional?
@ikepigott I think Honda and Toyota might disagree with that statement
Interesting - GM pulled the same "we screwed up, we're sorry" approach in 2003: (h/t: @tomcummings)
(oops, MacLeans, not McLeans -
Fascinating - GM takes out a full-page ad in papers/mags to apologize to customers: McLeans reacts here:
A little confused why there's a wine presentation at #leweb...
1760 people watching @garyvee live at #leweb:
Read the comments on @thornley's post re: mainstream media challenging social media. Great stuff, regardless of your take-
@kyrio I think very few people are as easily irritated as me! :)
@tamera what are the odds? Maybe something to do with the insane costs...
@thornley Don't you Ottawans call that "a light dusting?"
Not a good morning so far. Blackberry = my alarm clock. Blackberry battery died overnight. Cue much cursing and running around thie morning.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Robb M. Wayne Sutton David Crow Dave Winer Daniel Johnson, Jr. Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Chris Brogan julien Bob Goyetche Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer John Wall Dan York Jay Moonah Brian Clark Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Michael O'CC Philip Campbell Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Antonio Altamirano Mark Blevis kara Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman Gordon Brander  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Sam Harrelson Will Spaetzel Kate Trgovac
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