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@missrogue UPS opt-in service is an awesome idea. i would pay to be notified via text of delivery proximity. and better tracking!
will be heading to the camera bar on queen shortly.
@markdowds i killed my flu with bourbon. u should try it!
dear brain, please show up for work. i know u have the flu, but we are useless here without you. cotton is not a good replacement for brain.
@sirdavid listen to it again. carefully. i almost tossed it out in the garbage the first time i listened to it.
@JasonLewin we are doing a final count for the event. will keep you posted.
@JasonLewin would recommend it. will take time to get used to it though. almost tossed it out on first listen!
@pkedrosky Madoff Story insane. insane. speechless
kayne west latest album is something else.
@_nadine loved freaks and geeks. still have a copy. was awesome
@amy_yee loved dark city. one of my favs. was not very hot about primer. will revisit. thanks for the recos
@emenel @benlucier i am a huge fan of BSG. seen it all!
geek movie recos? what shall i pick up? i am a firefly fan, the wire fan.
@markdowds coke like in the stuff that comes in a bottle and is in liquid form or the other kind of coke :)
@RuddockMH i am tempted by la vida coldfx but i don't take anything. i am giving my cold the one inch punch treatment. he is gone already!
@modernmod i am not much of a rule follower :) but i think i kicked my flu out. back in the game tmr!
@rhh there is no talking in this team. it is all go go go and get it done!
@tyfn BB beats the pants of iphone when it comes to keyboard and typing. iphone great for everything else. i am a 2 device girl!
@markdowds i am sick as a dog as well. i so hate being sick. gonna do something about this and kick this thing. squash the bug. yeah?


Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman davegray Chris Sacca Scott Fegette Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Robb M. seanbonner Xeni Jardin Jay Goldman nanek Ross om tedr Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe J Chris Anderson Gene Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale David Crow Rob Hayes
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