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did her holiday damage at her favorite independent bookstore, Stacey's, and is now ready for dinner and sleep. Such a rockstar!
really needed to sleep in today, but it was not to be. So tired and achy.
is still awake. @FunkyPlaid and the kitties are most definitely not. Curse this stupid cold!
lasted exactly 1 hour in the library today. Home now, time for Theraflu.
feels a strange buzz from this Theraflu concoction. Floating away now
@lachlain Sounds like fun. Colds are hard; let's go shopping! *sneezing*
is beginning to think that she is allergic to SFlickr. :( Home with a lame head-cold. Hope everyone has fun tonight.
is sneezing so much her brains are rattling.
gave the cats their favorite treats and now they are restless. Torgi is chirping for bedtime, and Zen stomps around.
sighs at and hopes she doesn't get laid off.
is probably going to have nightmares tonight from the end of this book. As long as we're clear about that ahead of time ...!
is halfway through a really, really scary book & simultaneously wants to read it & doesn't want to read it. (_Song of Kali_ by Dan Simmons.)
@atomick Yes, but thank you for showing it to me again. It's worth a second look!
successfully fixes her dad's email problems and is now onto solving the next problem: what to have for dinner.
puts the kettle on before taking off her coat. It was that kind of workday.
would drink all of a DeLessio mocha right now if she could. All of it. Extra whip. No remorse.
suffers from the usual weekend-is-really-over resistance to bedtime. hrf.
had a fantastic time at EOS with friends last night: great food, even better conversation, entirely worth today's gastric circus.
stepped off the N-Judah and nearly got creamed by a clueless driver. She yelled, "JESUS!" right in front of the Jewish center ladies. Oops.
thinks ALL patrons should salute her, not only the patron who respectfully requested to be excused from the reference desk.


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