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Spent a great day at Harvard Biz School and now at Boston Airport on the way home.
#Gilbane: Foster innovation in the enterprise thru technology; learning & training takes longer; change a system, and it happens right away
Harness and guide social media rather than turn a blind eye -- advice to the enterprise #Gilbane.
#Gilbane Ryan, Non-Linear Creations, says you need Intranet 1.0 with all the needed content & 2.0 with all the more spontaneous stuff.
#Gilbane Guy Creese, Burton group, "Twitter is a flash in the pan."
Interesting discussion #Gilbane on the tipping point for social media, off the tech and onto the people, especially in the enterprise. Yup!
At the airport on the way to Boston for #Gilbane conference.
In Calgary airport, hear it's snowy outside but since bags aren't coming who knows when I'll be able to see for myself. Sigh.
Going to have a relaxing weekend after #IL2008.
Can't believe #IL2008 is over. Safe travels everyone.
Love that thought - building the library living rooms of campuses and communities. #IL2008
Making movies at #IL2008, Sean Robinson doing a promo for IL2009.
Oops, King said the librarian is the product, #IL2008.
David King at #IL2008 Pecha Kucha on Libraries are the product and what they should sell.
Pecha Kucha next speaker at #IL2008, Stephen Abram on trendspotting, detecting weak signals.
Pecha Kucha underway with my business partner Rebecca Jones, aka Becky Jo Snowden! Go Beck!
Pecha Kucha underway with my business partner Rebecca Jones, aka Becky Jo Snowden! Go Beck!
Free lunch in the exhibit hall at #IL2008 today.
Listening to keynote danah boyd talk about social network sites at #IL2008.
Can't believe it's the last day of #IL2008, but 2 great keynotes and lots of wonderful speakers stil to hear!