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delighted with the way the day has progressed; makes me realise that often, "time" is an unhelpful concept. "output" and "value" are better
fancy yourself as a DJ? RT @MCHammer: I just joined the DJs Twitter Group and you can too.
FT: Why Obama should take up cricket Ta to John Wilson for the tip
@PaulSweeney thanks. will continue with the theme tonight
@lbutlr :-) yes, probably freudian. glad to be back home.
back in London. relishing the idea of going in to work in sunlight, something i havent been able to do for a while
boarding CDG LHR
working on a follow-up to my "Politeness and Continuous Partial Asymmetry" post
working on a follow-up to my politeness and continuous partial asymmetry post
having to deal with questions I don't want to answer at this time of the morning. Should those microdoughnuts be eaten? They look enticing.
as you would expect of me, keeping an eye on the Chennai cricket scores until it's time to board. Been an eventful, successful Le Web for me
on lounge wifi. couldn't get on as BT Openzone guest. Tried Orange 1 hr free option. Failed on "zip code". Until I entered 5 digit rubbish.
on lounge wife. Couldn't get on as BT Openzone guest. Tried Orange 1 hour free option. Failed on "zip code" until I entered 5 digit rubbish.
realising how beautiful Paris is in the dark when there is no traffic
checking out of the Scribe Hotel, soon on my way to CDG en route LHR. long day awaits. a quiet eye on the cricket
@rakeshparmar good to meet you as well. Where are you based?
back from dinner. early flight tomorrow, packing now. then a chance to think about what I have learnt, and what I'm going to do about it.
off to dinner with Rodrigo and Marc and Jeff
making notes on what I've seen and heard so far at Le Web, the learnings, the follow-ups
@stephtara can't be more than 5km, it looks like a little more than 3km as the crow flies


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jerry Michalski danah boyd seanbonner Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Ross om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale BJ Cook Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Susan Scrupski mdy Robert Brook khairoun Dean Landsman tim malbon Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Jevon Pat Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Dina Gabe Wachob debs
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