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mentioned I'd be at SFO in prev tweet, got autonote from interesting!
tomorrow starts the way home w @aprilrinne: ferry from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam. flt to Nairobi, then Heathrow, then SFO. twas a great twip
per @ludicastri, fabulous article on microfinance in the FT:
forgot to take sunblock on fab hike 5 days ago thru Great Rift Valley (nr Arusha TZ). almost got sunstroke then, now my ears peeleth :)
nice article on how Best Buy is coping with the slowdown:
very much agree with Frank Rich's concerns about the Obama transition team:
RT @kevinmarks: use google with to search people's names on twitter (thanks!)
@Jordanbrown5 thought there used to be a way to search Twitter for people's names; now I can't find it at all! kinda sux
@wa8dzp hadn't heard of it! I'm such a fan of Wallace & Gromit
Twitter, why do you hide the place where I can just search to see if someone's on Twitter? too many clix
not sure what festival was yesterday, but hindu temple got refresh paint 2 days ago, yesterday was parade, singing & music. lovely #zanzibar
@shellen dude, you've gotta strengthen those Tweet hold-back muscles!
Tanzanian teachers paid so poorly that some teach 10 mins of class, then ask for payment for after-class tutoring. from really poor students
evening call to prayer in Zanzibar provoked me to see what's in the call:
@jobsworth glad to hear your family's ok, JP. strange to share it in 140 chars
@rgt123 glad to see you in tweetville, Ralph
time zones are so weird. to those starting your day in SF, I can report from GMT+3 that today was a great day
@aprilrinne and I visited spice farm on Zanzibar today. Never knew nutmeg looks like a pear & cardamom grows on external root shoots; whoa
@endeavorprep akchully, Zanzibar for the next couple of days, then the looong way home. love yr tweets, blog & site, btw; you go!
hoping @lekishonmaasai hits an Internet cafe in Arusha some time soon, so we can reconnect