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just got back from a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat/course, profound experience and impact. no charge.
maker faire in austin
is going to sleep soooo well. by the way don't eat at "restaurant together" unless it's for the laughs
wants to sleep for days
chickens... you bring a new girl in and it gets picked on. what to do?
jehovah's witnesses left 2 watchtowers for me with a personalized handwritten note. how do they know my name?
jumping on the avatar bandwagon, even though i don't approve
sick & miserable, but starting to feel good enough to write to do lists and procrastinate on studying. signs of normal returning.
occultclassic where are you?
best weekend in a while!
is dreadfully bored with cynicism
can't find her chickens :(
did my good deed for the day; made a new friend! that alone is well worth the AAA annual fee.
@tronovision glad you found a new place!
saw Herzog's Encounters at the End of World. about to have dinner cooked for me. what's in store?
swam 2 miles home on my bike, watching a light show
despondent in this summer heat
@lonelysandwich my cat screams and hits my mouth when i either play the flute or sing
austin music venue The Parish has $5 yoga classes


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Nick Douglas Scott Beale Jay Alex Hillman Patrick Haney Shoshana Matt Heerema Ryan King Grant Hutchinson Nathan Smith Ascalon Films             whurley lau Tracy Ruggles Tim Trentham Matt Gillooly M-D November SXSW Tony D! Randy Kate710 Brooke Binkowski jon maples Mike Rubinov Ponzi Pirillo Jos Coffee sven johnson Murderface Adam Lisagor Fresh Juice That Other Paper logan travis Adam Shepard