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Thank you everyone for your kind notes & thoughts. Cuba was an amazing little dog and I'm heartbroken by her passing. <3 cuba <3
My beloved dog, Cuba died.
Cuba didnt do so well this morning. has pancreatitis, will be in the hospital for a few more days.
thanks everyone. Cuba kept the food down that they gave her at midnight so that's a really good sign! hopefully she'll be released tmmrw
Cuba's still not improving, raising concerns about her liver. More blood tests. :(
cuba still won't eat. everyone pray for her to eat...little one needs her strength back so she can come home.
Visiting Cuba at the emergency vet she won't eat so they won't release her.
Cuba's out of surgery & doing OK. She's making the move to overnight care - wont' see her till tmmrw. She, brilliantly, ate a rock. really.
Cuba's having surgery right now. Something golf ball size inside looms. Trying not to freak out.
up early with a sick puppy!
TeachStreet holiday party cooking class brunch at the Corson building is, well, awesome!
Setting up for tonights artreach show at vermillion in cap hill. All the art is amazing!! (and well priced)
i find that for spying "people research" i am using linked in a lot more these days.
Last day in Kauai. Trying to soak in as much sun and beach as possible!
Perfect afternoon in Kauai: waimea canyon in the clouds, amazing secret beach, cheesy Hawaiian music serenade.
yoga is really hard. esp in humid kauai. i think i might have to do a lot more of it.
Rainy day pedicure
@amitp you would love the waves!
amazing tropical rain storm insanity. right now.