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@Moltz If you can't make it to the store, just cut open your tauntaun and eat it. Tastes like Chicken Kiev.
Correction: Watching Tom Cruise talk about his love for sports is like watching Sarah Palin talk about how much she likes reading the news.
Watching Tom Cruise talk about how much he loves sports is like watching Martha Stewart talk about how much she likes BBQ ribs.
Dreamt that Obama asked me to join his environmental team. Was so honored I missed that he basically asked me to be a park ranger.
Waking up naturally before 5 a.m. is like getting closer to god. A vengeful god with a bad sense of humor.
@GQbound Same happened to me. I think they purged inactive/suspended accounts.
@khaybe Forgive the self-promo, but I wrote a book for your fiance: And matching book or you: Congrats!
@frantabulous depends...are you drinking from a wine glass or a mason jar?
Not sure if I just have bad heartburn or if I should gather a welcoming committee for the alien about to burst out of my torso.
Ecard from a tradeshow kiosk maker: picture of baby Jesus with the saying "The Greatest Gift Is Love." By "love," they mean kiosks, natch.
@blurb P.S. I miss Gridlock Thursdays. What I wouldn't give for some honking horns and cab driver giving me the finger right now!
@blurb The A Train to Far Rockaway. Takes 45 minutes but a taxi in traffic can take just as long and cost $50 more.
@kperdue here's another about how social networks are struggling to make money and what role marketers play:
@gordonshumway Those have to be about the size of a Skittle.
With the renovation and bad economy, my last guilty pleasure is watching my wife try to function in the morning before her coffee.
@PlatoH I can't recall any Ute tight ends who had big asses, but don't TE's in general have big, untight ends?
Whenever there's a Mac convention, Twitter sheds its skin of wit and sarcasm and becomes a fan-boy geek orgy.
@likaluca pigeons don't make love. only humans make love. pigeons get it on!
Just booked tix for Sugar Bowl to watch Utes DESTROY the Tide. After that, I'll cure cancer, end hunger, and solve a Rubik's Cube. Go Utes!
@thisiscaroline yes, but you can decorate a pork tenderloin and some fingerling potatoes very well with a rosemary bush!


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