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@kastner Agreed on those. I'd say Tina Fey as Lucy, but I can't imagine her being such a meanie. Also? Christopher Walken as Linus.
I'd like to see a live-action Charlie Brown Christmas special with Malkovich playing a near-suicidal Charlie Brown. And Jack Black as Snoopy
Wasted a couple hours trying to design my team's cycling kit. After a decade of photoshop, I just can't seem to learn illustrator. ugh.
rewatched Dr Horrible for the first time since last summer and my god it's better than I remembered. I guess I have a soft spot for musicals
Post-election I thought Jon Stewart might go soft but he raked Huckabee over the coals. Wish Huckabee would reconsider his positions.
25 miles of hard climbing ahead. 38F and about to rain. I guess this will build character.
Watched Heckler, an entertaining but ultimately unsatisfying documentary. Jaime Kennedy seems like a nice guy that really is bad at standup.
When you try and read an article at a magazine's website and it requires closing three expanding advertising windows, you have to twitter it
Touchgrind for the iPhone is surprisingly addictive for the aging could-barely-grind-and-ollie-curbs demographic
@zephoria congrats dr. boyd!
When Gmail bogs down, it appears iGoogle's gmail widget is instant and fast still.
Whoa, the amazon honor system is closing this week. So long, and thanks for all the nytimes goofy photos
@mulegirl This is the best biking backpack ever. It's smallish, just barely fits a laptop and a little gear:
You know you've neglected your own websites when Firefox's auto-complete doesn't even fire when you start typing the URL.
There are not enough hours in the day for all the bike rides and naps I want to take. Oh, and all the screwing around on the web.
God damn, Vimeo is way more fun to use than a web app should be. Every feature makes you enjoy it more. Amazing piece of work there.
I can't quite explain why, but it's a badge of honor that I'm not listed in the TC CrunchBase.
I like to think I live in a city until I learn we can get a field mouse in our garage if it's open for more than 30 seconds.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan Marc Hedlund Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason danah boyd Eric Costello Matt Jones Michael Ferguson tedr Brian Oberkirch Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason Michael Buffington George Kelly lane evany Michael Sippey heather joshua schachter judith Cameron Marlow Matt Jacobs Stewart Butterfield Caterina Scott Andrew Joe Crawford Ben Brown George
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