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"We love you when you're mad!"
"Revenge of the Nerds" is on HBO-Z! So many great lines.
Work, cal,l work, call, meeting, call, call, call... baby!?
Just saw a TV commercial for Suddenly trolling for discount codes feels so passé
@Choire oh, the ideas one wishes one had first...!
@vidiot_ The Internet is the great equalizer, isn't it? I also like when friends' blogs (or my own) show up in my RSS feed next to the NYT
Cleaning out one's Twitter list, adding and removing follows, is simultaneously liberating and guilt-inducing
@vidiot apparently so.. although I was really just using the word tits to show up on :)
Did you know: tit is an old Germanic word for “small” and is used in various European languages to refer to small objects, animals, & people...
hey @mantwan, your tweets are showing
So busy I don't even have time to twitter. Waitasec
Mac OS Migration Assistant just blew my mind. Easiest computer setup I've ever had. I'm so pleased I don't even know how to describe it
Playing Hendrix on Guitar Hero World Tour is, to put it bluntly, pretty fucking awesome
Single Parent Saturday update: Long nap, rushed prep, at the wedding! Alas, noisy (happy) kid = standing in the hall
Single Parent Satuday is underway. Baby ate, played, now napping. Q of the day: do we hit Mom's friend's wedding in her absence? Stay tuned!
Filled with Friday frustration at flailing freelance filibustering
@skydiver My brother uses "b and d"--make OK signs with both fingers, and the b on your left is for bread, the d on your right for the drink
Today's 100cal dessert pack: Fudge Shoppe Mini Fudge Stripes. Verdict: omg delicious. The real cookie, just in a smart portion size. So good


veen peterme dakota smith President Monteiro lane Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek joshua schachter Victor Lombardi Prashant Agarwal John Niedermeyer fake mat honan Andre Torrez Kevin Smith Bill Sandy Andy Baio John Gruber Anil Dash Nick Finck mark Sarah Austin Liz Danzico TheBrad dreamattack mattbr Jason Levine Alaina Rafe kazamatsuri Joel Johnson jjg Matt Haughey David Jacobs Jürgen Fauth
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