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@SenorDanimal Thanks, I figured it out, git rebase ate some commits due to user error, needed to find them in lost-found, this has been fun.
Lazytwitter: How can I convert a SHA1 to a commit message with showing the whole patch, or, how to convert a list of 100 sha's into 100 msgs
@mattly static ip's are $5 per month additional, my bro got comcast business for his place, they don't throttle BitTorrent on business
@evanphx Yep, has been happening for me on and off since monday
Hah @github mentioned on the google code blog:
@lime124 Weird, my comcast is wicked fast over here.
New blog post: Growl Notifications with Irssi
@SenorDanimal I have the jackhammer again today, thank god for headphones
@peat Ace Hotel stumptown? The couches in the hotel lobby are nice
@hasmanyjosh That is an option in the settings page on twitter.
Assertion: Mocks are only useful when you are mocking a well defined and mostly unchanging API.
@atmos and somebody already shoveled the front walk!
@bleything I made that recipe about a year ago, came out pretty well iirc


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