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@w1redone when I get back we gotta plan the first Goremet party, codename: Fear/full
Damnit I forgot all my Netflix movies next to my tv. Looks like it's reruns of The Office again on in-flight NBC. Doh.
@devinreams no way, I'm a loyal United customer.
@melissapierce my rock slangin' is so hot, it should be illegal. In other words, yes I'm bowling tomorrow.
Old dudes are gross. Watching msnbc at red carpet and this asshat stands right in front of the tv, then goes knuckle-deep in his nose. Sick.
@micah Lets go talk to your boys. I wanna get my Chicago-style hotdog tattoo soon!
My boycott of Chicago winter continues. Packed only tees and hoodies. If the cold wind tries to get me, I'm going to smack it in the nuts.
Off to Chicago. Have a great weekend Denver & Boulder. See ya Monday.
@kevinrose nice work with your co-worker and his "omgnoway" @threadless shirt. hi-five him from all of us at Threadless.
This is why where I work is amazing. In a video meeting? Gotta pee? No problem.
Jesus Christ, this is the 5th time I've taken my hoody off today. WTH temperature? I feel like I'm going through "the change".
@micah It just occurred to me that I'm going to be in San Jose in February to speak. Maybe I can drop by your P's house for a meal
I love getting the "your upgrade has been confirmed" email from United the day before my flight. Yay, legroom.
I kinda hate Digg's RSS feed. Each headline has a google ad served under it. Signal to noise ratio is 1 to 1. Argh.
Great little interview with Sean Alexander up at FecalFace.
@imjustincognito I could be wrong, but that doesn't sound like a good deal at all.
@baskew Hey dude, I included a preemptive "shut up".
This would make a great holiday gift for that special someone you know who LOVES typography. *Cough* (damn cold)
Heading back home to Chicago tomorrow for the weekend. Stoked for the Threadless holiday party!


Matt Galligan Harper jake Daniel Newman Nikolaus Bauman Zach Klein Richard Moross Ryan Carson Chris DiBona Corianton Kevin Rose Brandie AJ Vaynerchuk Josh Spearâ„¢ Matt Wigham David Cohen Andrew Maverick Hyde Thomas Ryan  Michael S Galpert Jim Coudal Dylan Richard Jason Kottke Brad Feld Eric Marcoullier Kimbal Musk Jeremy Tanner Threadless Micah Baldwin Gary Vaynerchuk Charles Forman Miguelito Buzzard Norman Brannon christy lee Patti R ourmaninchicago Charles Stephens